Working Together To Tackle Threats And Strengthen Harmony

Sunday 3 May 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has allocated $25 million over four years to develop a whole of community approach to enhance social cohesion and community resilience to counter all forms of violent extremism.

A Taskforce led by Deputy Premier James Merlino will be established with ministers across four key portfolios - education, youth, multicultural affairs and police.

This initiative will employ both a whole-of-government and whole-of-community evidence-based approach to address social cohesion, community resilience, marginalisation and extremism.

Communities will be at the forefront in advising government policy and program development, these must be community led initiatives, with a particular focus on youth involvement.

The Taskforce will also look at ways to combat racism and bigotry, with a focus on addressing anti-Semitism and Islamophobia.

The Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Robin Scott, will facilitate action across government, and in partnership with community groups.

Initiatives will be developed that support communities to address economic and social disengagement that may lead to individual and community disengagement, anti-social behaviour and extremism.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs, Robin Scott

"The Taskforce aims to enable those at risk of marginalisation to gain a greater sense of belonging and acceptance."

"This initiative will employ both a whole-of-government and an evidence-based approach to social cohesion, community resilience and addressing marginalisation and extremism.

"Community involvement in tackling violent extremism is essential, particularly when it comes to engaging younger Victorians."