Work On West Gate Tunnel To Resume Today

Wednesday 7 March 2018

Work on the West Gate Tunnel project will restart today, despite the Liberal-Green coalition’s attempts to stop the urgently needed alternative to the West Gate Bridge and sack hundreds of workers.

Minister for Roads Luke Donnellan and Member for Western Metropolitan Region Cesar Melhem today visited workers at the project’s northern portal site who are waiting for works to resume.

In an unprecedented act of economic vandalism, the Liberals yesterday teamed up with the Greens to revoke planning permission for the West Gate Tunnel, throwing the jobs of 800 Victorians in to limbo.

The move has been condemned across the community from the Victorian Chamber of Commerce to the Maribyrnong Truck Action Group.

The Andrews Labor Government will today remake the Planning Scheme Amendment for the project so that workers can get back on the job, the business community and industry have certainty and work can continue on Melbourne’s alternative to the West Gate Bridge.

Over the last two and a half years, the West Gate Tunnel project went through the most comprehensive planning approval process ever conducted for a Victorian road project.

Cancelling planning approval for a major project already under construction is unprecedented in Victorian history.

The West Gate Tunnel project will cut 20 minutes travel time from the western suburbs, Geelong and Ballarat. It will also create more than 6,000 jobs, including 500 opportunities for apprentices, trainees and cadets.

Quotes attributable to Minster for Roads Luke Donnellan

“We will not let the Liberal-Green coalition sack these workers, roll back our truck bans and deny everyone who relies on the West Gate Bridge the congestion relief they urgently need – we’re getting on with this vital project.”

“Matthew Guy should start listening to the business community and - for once in his leadership - stand up to David Davis who is running an unhinged crusade against this urgently needed project.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Western Metropolitan Region Cesar Melhem

“This isn’t a game – these are real workers, real families that the Liberals and the Greens are using as political playthings.”

“It’s time Matthew Guy stopped thinking about his own job and started thinking about the 800 people he’s trying to do out of their jobs.”