Women Shine At 2018 Victorian Training Awards

Friday 24 August 2018

Women took centre stage at the 63rd Victorian Training Awards, which recognises the high-quality training being delivered across the state, taking home six of the seven individual awards at tonight's ceremony.

Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney congratulated the 13 winners of the annual awards for apprentices, students, teachers, employers and training providers for their contribution and dedication to excellence in training.

Women took out the top gongs for Apprentice of the Year, School-based Apprentice/Trainee of the Year, Teacher/Trainer of the Year, Trainee of the Year, Vocational Student of the Year, as well as the Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement.

Winner of the Vocational Student of the Year Award Elise Stewart is profoundly deaf and was once told she would never be able reach her dream of becoming a nurse. Her resilience and determination helped her become the first deaf person to graduate with a Diploma of Nursing at Bendigo TAFE.

Other winners include Lewis Brown who took out Koorie Student of the Year (Vocational Student). Lewis is a Yorta Yorta, Dja Dja Wurrung and Gunditjmara man and his qualification in Certificate IV in Community Services helped him move into a new role as Koori Court Project Officer at Court Services Victoria.

Wodonga Institute of TAFE won the coveted Large Training Provider of the Year Award, while the Builders Academy Australia was recognised as the state’s best Small Training Provider and Nazareth Care in Ballarat won the Employer Award for Apprenticeship Development.

The Lynne Kosky Memorial Award for Lifetime Achievement to Jennie Barrera for outstanding leadership and contribution to the Victorian TAFE and Training system for more than 25 years, and Melbourne Polytechnic was the inaugural winner of the state’s first Inclusive Training Provider of the Year Award.

The gala prizewinning ceremony saw 13 winners selected from 39 finalists, with the winners receiving $5000 in prize money. Winners from eligible categories will represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards in Sydney on 15 November.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney

“These awards put Victoria’s top vocational education and training performers in the spotlight and it’s fantastic to see so many women achieving in this year’s awards.”

“Our record investment in Victoria’s TAFE and training system is benefiting apprentices, trainees, industries and communities, ensuring we have the skills needed for the jobs we’re creating.”