Women Leaders Gather To Stop Sexual Harassment

Wednesday 8 August 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is continuing to support initiatives to stop sexual harassment in Victorian Workplaces.

Minister for Women Natalie Hutchins today joined other women leaders to launch Not in My Workplace.

Not in My Workplace is a collective of senior women leaders working together to assist boards and senior management bodies to eliminate sexual harassment in the workplace.

Not in My Workplace will also focus on shifting the conversation from awareness of workplace harassment and abuse, towards practical strategies businesses can put in place to create cultures of respect and fairness.

Movements like #MeToo, #TimesUp, and now #NotInMyWorkplace have brought to light the systemic sexual harassment and abuse experienced by women in Victoria, Australia and around the world.

Support for initiatives like Not in My Workplace are driven by Safe and Strong: A Victorian Gender Equality Strategy and Free from violence: Victoria’s strategy to prevent family violence and all forms of violence against women.

Together these strategies provide a framework for driving the change required to reduce violence against women and promote gender equality.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Women, Natalie Hutchins

“Not in My Workplace and movements like it are calling out the culture of sexual harassment and abuse - because it’s not ok, it never has been.”

“Women’s movements online are calling for gender equality now, and I am proud to say that the Andrews Labor Government is with them.”