Wimmera Southern Mallee Looks To The Future

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Wimmera Southern Mallee today outlined its vision and priorities for the future, with Minister for Regional Development, Jaala Pulford, launching the region’s Investment Plan at Parliament House.

Launching the plan, Ms Pulford said the region’s immediate focus on growing jobs, investment, exports and capitalising on opportunities align with the Andrews Labor Government’s agenda for regional Victoria.

The Labor Government’s $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund will support projects across regional and rural Victoria that will build critical infrastructure, grow jobs and support new and emerging industries.

While the Wimmera Southern Mallee is best known for its cereal, oilseed and pulse production, the region also offers excellent health, retail and education services, safe communities and a positive environment for growth.

The plan describes the Wimmera Southern Mallee communities as adaptive and resilient, with a proud history of responding to opportunity and working together to build a competitive agriculture sector and support access to services.

The Wimmera Southern Mallee Regional Investment Plan was prepared by the Wimmera Development Association (WDA) for the Horsham Rural City and Hindmarsh, Northern Grampians, West Wimmera and Yarriambiack shire councils.

WDA is the peak economic development organisation for the Wimmera Southern-Mallee region, which supports existing local businesses and promotes economic development opportunities to investors.

To read the Wimmera Southern Mallee Regional Investment Plan visit www.wda.org.au(opens in a new window)

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development and Member for Western Victoria, Jaala Pulford

“As well as being a key agriculture region, the Wimmera Southern Mallee has much to offer, including excellent health, retail and education services, safe communities and a positive environment for growth.”

“The Wimmera Southern Mallee Regional Investment Plan will support the region to grow, create jobs and attract investment.”

“The Andrews Labor Government is supporting the Wimmera Southern Mallee, including through our Stawell Jobs Taskforce. We’re getting to work on our election commitments for the region.”