Wicked Campers Forced To Clean Up Their Act

Tuesday 29 October 2019

The Andrews Labor Government has introduced new legislation that will force vehicle owners displaying offensive images or slogans to remove them or face registration sanctions.

The reforms are part of the Transport Legislation Amendment Bill, which will give the Department of Transport the power to cancel registrations should rogue businesses fail to clean up their act.

Under the legislation, any Victorian registered vehicle that displays sexist, obscene or offensive slogans can be referred to the Ad Standards Community Panel, which will review it against the Australian Association of National Advertisers Code of Ethics.

If the Panel finds the message breaches those standards, then it must be removed – or the vehicle’s registration will be cancelled.

The policy has been introduced in response to offensive slogans displayed on camper vans, such as Wicked Campers, which operate around Australia.

Victoria has been working closely with other states and territories to develop a national approach to the issue.

Once passed, Victorian law will be consistent with laws already in operation in Queensland, Tasmania and the ACT, and help get vehicles displaying sexist, offensive or obscene slogans off our roads.

South Australia has also committed to enacting similar legislation, meaning Victorians and motorists in other parts of the country will no longer have to put up with seeing offensive messages on our roads.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads Jaala Pulford

“There is no excuse for displaying vile, sexist or offensive messages on vehicles which is why we’re taking this action to take those vehicles off our roads.”

“I encourage anyone who sees a vehicle with sexist or offence slogans to report it to the Department of Transport to help deliver the message that these vehicles are not welcome on Victorian roads.”