Wander Victoria Will Help Regional Victoria Grow

Sunday 28 February 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is taking action to grow regional Victoria’s appeal as a world-class tourism destination.

Minister for Tourism and Major Events John Eren today visited Lorne to launch Wander Victoria, the state’s bold new tourism marketing campaign encouraging Melburnians to turn to regional Victoria for a magical getaway.

Wander Victoria is the audacious new bid to promote regional Victoria to Melburnians and intrastate travellers, who make up 81 per cent of overnight visitation to the regions.

The first instalment of the commercials will air on all major metropolitan commercial television channels, and we’re targeting the travel publications, websites and digital media that Melburnians turn to when planning a holiday.

Over the coming months, viewers will come to know friends as they rediscover the length and breadth of regional Victoria, sampling our culinary delights and touring our great natural treasures. All corners of regional Victoria will feature – from the most iconic attractions to the quaint hidden gems.

Regional Victoria has something for everyone and the best of everything. That’s why Victorians, Australians and travellers right around the world love travelling to our treasured destinations. Tourism contributes $11.4 billion to the regional economy, and employs more than 110,000 regional Victorians, so it’s crucial we grow the sector.

Victoria’s visitor economy is the envy of Australia, and we want to maintain our edge. The Labor Government is getting on with the job of establishing Visit Victoria, the world-leading entity charged with keeping us number one for tourism and major events.

The Wander Victoria campaign begins tonight.

See www.wandervictoria.com for more.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Tourism and Major Events, John Eren

“We’re getting on with the job of rolling out one of the most ambitious tourism marketing campaigns in Victoria’s history. Wander Victoria will sell our state’s great strengths like never before.”

“We want to remind Melburnians that there are a wealth of truly magical experiences right on their doorstep. There’s something for everyone and the best of everything.”

“Tourism is the key to keeping our regions strong, and we know the intrastate market is crucial. We want all Melburnians to get out and explore our fantastic regional locations.”