Victoria’s First Whole Of Government LGBTIQ Strategy

Friday 12 June 2020

Victorians will have the opportunity to help shape the state’s equality agenda for years to come, with the opening of public consultation on the Victorian Government’s first ever whole of government LGBTIQ strategy.

Over the past five years, the Victorian Government has created a more inclusive Victoria by reforming legislation to remove discrimination, building the Victorian Pride Centre and providing strong support for and investment in LGBTIQ organisations, community events and festivals.

Minister for Equality Martin Foley today announced the Victorian Government is now looking to the future with the opening of a public consultation process to develop Victoria’s first ever whole-of-government LGBTIQ strategy.

A discussion paper has also been released to help support the public consultation process, which outlines the Government’s LGBTIQ equality reforms and initiatives, and provides key data highlighting the experiences of LGBTIQ people in our community.

The Victorian Government LGBTIQ Taskforce and the Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality will provide expert guidance to the Victorian Government on development of the strategy.

Victorians are invited to submit ideas by responding to a short online survey or making a written submission by Monday, 3 August 2020.

The discussion paper is available on Engage Victoria at

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Equality Martin Foley

“For equality to be fully realised we need a clear vision – informed by a comprehensive understanding of the needs of LGBTIQ Victorians. This consultation is a vital part of making that happen.”

“Victoria’s first LGBTIQ Strategy will be developed in close consultation with LGBTIQ people, organisations and communities from across the state and will inform the Government’s equality agenda for years to come.”

Quote attributable to the Victorian Commissioner for Gender and Sexuality Ro Allen

“A Government that supports LGBTIQ Victorians by placing them front-and-centre of strategy development – as collaborators – is a Government that truly believes in equality.”