Victoria’s First Multicultural Honour Roll Inductees

Thursday 2 June 2022

The Andrews Labor Government is honouring the unsung heroes of Victoria who have demonstrated grit and resilience to create positive and lasting impacts for their communities.

Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence joined Victorian Multicultural Commission Chairperson Vivienne Nguyen AM at a ceremony honouring the first inductees into Victoria’s Multicultural Honour Roll.

The Multicultural Honour Roll recognises outstanding community members and organisations who go above and beyond to support, celebrate and advocate for Victoria’s multicultural communities.

The 29 inductees represent trailblazers, emerging leaders and passionate community members from 19 cultures who support and amplify multicultural or multifaith communities, often voluntarily and without formal position.

The contributions of the 2022 inductees are especially significant, given the vital role they played in keeping our communities safe and connected throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite the challenging times, inductees were able to support their communities, and represent a generosity of spirit of which Victoria can be proud.

The Victorian Multicultural Honour Roll replaces the Meritorious Service to the Community category of the Victorian Multicultural Commission’s annual Multicultural Awards for Excellence and ensures the social, cultural, and economic benefits of cultural diversity continue to be showcased.

Details of the 29 Multicultural Honour Roll inductees are at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ros Spence

“We are a proud multicultural state, and it is important that we recognise the many grass-roots advocates of our multicultural communities who make outstanding contributions.”

“The cultural diversity of our state is our strength, and the Victorian Multicultural Honour Roll is a celebration of that strength.”

Quotes attributable to Victorian Multicultural Commission Chairperson Vivienne Nguyen

“Every day I meet community members and organisations who work tirelessly on behalf of multicultural communities. I am proud to elevate their achievements with this important honour.”

“It is our hope that people of all cultural backgrounds can be inspired by the achievements of the first inductees onto Victoria’s Multicultural Honour Roll.”

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