Victoria’s Brave Young Triple Zero Heroes Recognised

Wednesday 18 April 2018

Thirty-one brave young Victorians have been honoured for showing courage and bravery beyond their years at the 14th Annual Triple Zero Hero Awards.

Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino and Minister for Health Jill Hennessy attended today’s awards and congratulated the young people for remaining calm and calling Triple Zero in emergency situations that would have rattled most adults.

Among the award winners was little hero, Aoife. Aged just five, Aoife called Triple Zero when her mother collapsed and stopped breathing. She was able to administer CPR before help arrived.

Four-year-old Charlotte called Triple Zero when her mother fell, injured her hip and was unable to move. She was able to explain the situation to the operator and cared for her mother until paramedics arrived.

Another junior hero, Trinity, was on a drive with her mother when the side of the road started to collapse as they did a U-turn. While Trinity escaped, the car fell 30 metres down a cliff with her mother inside. Remaining calm, she called Triple Zero and provided vital details to the operator.

The Junior Triple Zero Heroes were nominated by ESTA’s Triple Zero operators who work 24 hours a day, every day of the year.

Emergency Services Telecommunications Authority (ESTA), Victoria’s emergency communications agency, receives emergency calls for the CFA, MFB, Victoria Police, Ambulance Victoria and Victoria State Emergency Service (VICSES).

In 2016-17, ESTA answered more than 2.5 million calls for assistance across Victoria, an average of almost 7000 calls each day or a call every 12 seconds.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Emergency Services James Merlino

“Every year I am overwhelmed by the bravery and courage these young people show at the scene of emergencies, often involving their loved ones.”

“More than 2.5 million emergency calls are made to ESTA through the Triple Zero service every year, but clearly standing out were the actions of these brave young Victorians in situations that would unsettle most grown-ups.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“These little Victorian heroes stay calm in situations where many adults would not have been able to - in doing so they’ve showcased bravery that all Victorians should be proud of.”