Victorian Treasure Budj Bim Put Forward For International Significance

Friday 21 August 2015

The Budj Bim Cultural Landscape has been chosen as Victoria’s number one priority for UNESCO World Heritage listing.

Premier Daniel Andrews today visited Budj Bim to make the announcement, and meet with the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation.

Home to the Gunditjmara people for more than 30,000 years, Budj Bim has been recognised for its unique importance to Victoria and its internationally significant cultural heritage.

Budj Bim hosts  the only remains of Aboriginal stone houses found in Australia,  as well as a sophisticated system of channels, fishtraps and weirs used for farming eels.

If successful, Budj Bim will be the twentieth place to be recognised in Australia, and the first for exclusively Aboriginal cultural values.

The Commonwealth Government is in the process of revising its list of sites to be pursued for World Heritage listing, and has sought the advice of all states and territories.

Following the Victorian Government's recommendation, proposed sites will be considered at a nationwide Meeting of Environment Ministers later in the year. A final list will then be submitted to the Commonwealth.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

"Budj Bim's structures pre-date Egypt's pyramids. It’s a Victorian treasure, and should be recognised as an international treasure."

"The Gunditjmara people's connection to this land has been long and enduring. It’s a relationship that makes Budj Bim even more special.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins

“We will work with the Traditional Owners and the Federal Government to ensure Budj Bim gets the recognition it deserves.”