Victorian Training Award Nominations Now Open

Wednesday 23 March 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is encouraging apprentices, trainees and teachers who have achieved excellence in their fields to nominate for the 2016 Victorian Training Awards.

Minister for Training and Skills, Steve Herbert, today officially opened nominations for the awards, which are now in their 62nd year.

The awards celebrate the outstanding achievements of Vocational Education and Training (VET) students, teachers, employers and training providers, and recognise collaboration and innovation in the training system.

This year’s awards feature 15 categories, six individual and nine organisational awards including Victorian School-based Apprentice of the Year, Trainee of the Year, Apprentice of the Year, Koorie Student of the Year, VET Teacher/Trainer of the Year as well as Small Training Provider of the Year.

Members of the public will again have a chance to vote in the Community Choice Award, which was created last year by the Minister. The inaugural Lynne Kosky Memorial Award will also be added as a new award category this year, recognising lifetime achievement in the promotion of educational excellence in VET in Victoria.

Winners will be announced at the Victorian Training Awards to be held in Melbourne later this year.

Each individual winner will receive $10,000 to be spent on future training. In many cases, winners will have the opportunity to then represent Victoria at the Australian Training Awards in Darwin in November.

This year’s awards come as the Labor Government transforms Victoria’s training system, lifting quality to restore confidence and aligning training more closely to industry and community workforce needs.

Our $320 million TAFE Rescue Fund is making sure TAFEs can continue to offer quality training to Victorians. While our $50 million TAFE Back to Work Fund is helping to create 7,000 new apprenticeships and traineeships.

Applicants can either self-nominate or be nominated by others. Nominating is easier this year. Go to and help celebrate training excellence.

Nominations close on 26 May at 5pm.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“Excellent training is happening at TAFEs, private training providers, dual sector universities and Learn Locals across Victoria.”

“This is your opportunity to nominate an outstanding VET student, teacher, training provider or company and to celebrate their success.”