Victorian Students Top Of The Class In Reading

Tuesday 5 December 2017

Victoria has cemented itself as the leading education state in the nation topping an international study of reading literacy on the back of record investments from the Andrews Labor Government.

The data is clear that the Education State reforms are producing significant improvements in schools right across the state.

The results of the Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) found the proportion of Victorian students excelling in reading literacy has increased. The result placed Victoria well ahead of every state and territory with a mean score of 560, ahead of the ACT with a mean score of 552.

Last year 86 per cent of Victorian students performed at or above the critical ‘Intermediate’ benchmark, compared to 80 per cent the last time the study was completed five years ago.

While 13 countries outperformed Australia in PIRLS, only seven outperformed Victoria.

The international report reinforces NAPLAN data trends, which earlier this year showed that Victoria is the highest performing jurisdiction in Australia, particularly when it comes to primary schools.

The report is an important international study of reading literacy that is managed by the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement and implemented in Australia by the Australian Council for Educational Research.

Its assessment focuses on Year 4 students as a key transition point in schooling across three aspects: purposes for reading, processes of comprehension, and reading behaviour and attitudes.

PIRLS helps countries monitor and evaluate the teaching of reading over time and enables international benchmarking in reading performance. It has been conducted internationally at Year 4 level, on a five-year cycle since 2001.

There were 61 participants in PIRLS 2016, including 50 countries and 11 benchmarking entities. In total, over 580,000 students participated worldwide. In Australia, 286 primary schools across the government, Catholic and independent sectors participated in the data collection for PIRLS 2016.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“No government has made the investments we have into education and we are seeing the benefits in the results of our kids.”

“The data is clear, hard evidence that the Education State reforms are producing significant improvements in schools right across the state.”

“Better results for our students, mean better life opportunities, regardless of family, economic or social circumstances.”