Victorian Premier’s Design Awards Finalists Announced

Tuesday 12 December 2023

From health to the environment, the finalists for the 2023 Victorian Premier’s Design Awards show how the state’s design innovators are creating positive change for communities and businesses across Victoria.

Minister for Creative Industries Colin Brooks today announced the finalists for this year’s annual awards which shine a light on Victorian designers, architects and businesses that are using design to improve the way we live, work, learn and interact.

Finalists include the new tourism infrastructure at the UNESCO World Heritage listed Budj Bim Cultural Landscape, a brand new tool that tests food in minutes to reduce waste and improve food safety, a powerful bike light for off road riding, and a remote medical monitoring system to help support vulnerable people living at home. 

This year saw a record number of finalists, with 118 innovative projects selected across the award categories 
including product design, fashion, architecture, service and strategy design, digital and communication design, and a dedicated category for Victorian tertiary design students.   

The 2023 finalists showcase the ways design is being used to help tackle complex challenges such as climate change, recidivism, health, homelessness and social cohesion – showcasing the wide range of careers and creative 
disciplines available in the industry.

Change-making projects include a new service model providing integrated peer, health and employment support to people who have been recently released from incarceration; and an app that supports tradies to manage their mental health.

As well as the category awards, all finalists are now in the running to receive the prestigious Victorian Premier’s Design Award of the Year – the state's highest design accolade.

Design is a major player in Victoria’s $38.4 billion creative industries sector – employing almost 20,000 people and injecting $6 billion annually into the state economy including $400 million in exports.

The 2023 Victorian Premier’s Design Award winners will be announced at a ceremony in March 2024.

Find out more about the 2023 Victorian Premier’s Design Awards and this year’s finalists:

Quotes attributable to Minister for Creative Industries Colin Brooks 

“Good design has the power to change our lives and these finalists showcase the diversity of Victoria’s design 
industry – from vital medical advancements to products and services that are more efficient, safe and sustainable.”

“The Victorian Premier’s Design Awards recognise the work and ingenuity of the designers, architects and 
design-led businesses that make our state a world-renowned leader in the field.”

231212 - Victorian Premier’s Design Awards Finalists Announced.pdf
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