Victorian Mosque Open Day To Welcome Thousands

Friday 16 February 2024

More than 35 mosques and Islamic centres across the state will be opening their doors to the Victorian community as part of the annual Victorian Mosque Open Day with support from the Allan Labor Government.

Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ingrid Stitt is encouraging Victorians to visit their participating local mosque on Sunday 25 February to celebrate the diverse cultures and religions that make up Victoria.

The Labor Government has provided $400,000 in funding to support Open Mosque Day for the next four years as facilitated by the Islamic Council of Victoria. 

Mosques and places of worship around metropolitan Melbourne and regional Victoria are open to the public on 25 February including Islamic Museum of Australia, Mildura Mosque, Young Muslims of Australia Markaz in Dandenong, Ararat Islamic Welfare Association, and Islamic Society of Geelong.

It is estimated that over 8,000 Victorians will attend statewide. Attendees can experience a range of activities throughout the day including information sessions on the Islamic faith, henna art, jumping castles and sausage sizzles.

Since launching in 2017, the Victorian Mosque Open Day continues to give more Victorians opportunities to learn about our Islamic communities. It celebrates our diverse communities and warmly welcomes everyone to share Islamic cultures and traditions. 

Since 2014, the Labor Government has provided over $36.8 million to the Victorian Islamic community to support programs, events and initiatives. For participating mosques and Islamic centres visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Ingrid Stitt 

“Mosque Open Day provides a unique opportunity for people across our diverse state to take part in discussion and activities that truly strengthen their sense of community and personal understanding of Islamic faith.” 

“We’re proud to support multifaith events – and I thank all participating mosques and community groups for opening their doors to continue making Victoria such a proudly multicultural state.”

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