Victorian Manufacturing Powering Along

Friday 1 June 2018

Victoria’s manufacturing industry has continued its record-breaking growth – thanks to support from the Andrews Labor Government.

The Australian Industry Group’s Performance of Manufacturing Index, released today, shows Victoria’s manufacturing industry has grown for a 16th consecutive month – the longest run of growth since 2001.

The growth in manufacturing is underpinned by the Labor Government’s $120 million in manufacturing support, which is creating over 6,000 jobs and driving more than $1.6 billion in private investment.

This unprecedent growth is despite the closure of automotive manufacturing, and the continued neglect of Victorian manufacturing by the Turnbull Liberal Government.

The Labor Government acknowledged outstanding businesses and individuals in the local industry at the Victorian Manufacturing Hall of Fame earlier this week.

Three trailblazing women lead the honours. Vanessa Kearney from Viva Energy and Jill Walsh from Actco-Pickering Metal Industries were the joint winners of the inaugural Woman Manufacturer of the Year award, and Vanessa Katsanevakis won the Young Manufacturer of the Year award.

The Victorian Budget 2018/19 includes $172 million to make 30 priority TAFE courses free, with courses focusing on the skills our state needs to build the major road and rail projects, new schools and hospitals Victorians need.

Victorian manufacturing contributes $27.7 billion to the Victorian economy and is home to over 13,000 businesses employing more than 286,000 people.  Victoria exported $18.16 billion of manufactured goods in 2016-17.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll 

“Our manufacturing industry continues to go from strength-to-strength – creating jobs and boosting our economy.”

“Manufacturing has a bright future in Victoria – and we’ll continue to back manufacturers so they can continue to innovate, create jobs and grow our economy.”