Victorian Horticulture Gets Innovation Fund Boost

Wednesday 9 May 2018

Six organisations across regional Victoria will help horticulture businesses innovate, expand and employ more people thanks to support from the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford today announced the latest recipients of the Horticulture Innovation Fund, which will see grants of up to $50,000 to help grower businesses test and adapt new technologies and processes to boost production, exports into new markets and broaden the diversity of products sold overseas.

The six projects announced today will receive grants totalling $270,330 and include:

  • Monash University – to evaluate the commercial use of a new polycarbonate for vegetable protected cropping to improve production and quality
  • Apple and Pear Australia Ltd – new software to reduce barriers for the commercialisation and adoption of the Difference of Absorbance meter for improved fruit quality
  • Barengi Gadjin Land Council Aboriginal Corporation – to support the investigation of crop pollination by native bees to address production efficiencies within native foods
  • Australian Wine Research Institute – to develop water budgeting and canopy management tools to assist the wine industry adapt to a changing climate
  • Australian Wine Research Institute – to improve management options for smoke tainted wines including testing commercial remediation options
  • Nursery and Garden Industry Victoria – to support the development of a weed control information package for management of nursery weeds

To date, 11 horticulture projects across Victoria have already been successful, with grants totalling $511,048.  For details of these projects, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Victoria’s horticulture industry is worth $2.4 billion a year, underpinned by a world-class reputation for providing premium quality, safe and clean products.”

“Through our Horticulture Innovation Fund we’re providing targeted support to this important sector, so we can help boost exports and drive long-term economic growth.”

“This is great news for our horticulture sector and will boost production as well as our surging horticulture exports.”