Victorian Design Leaders Descend On Hong Kong

Sunday 10 December 2017

A delegation of more than 50 Victorian design leaders has attended one of the world’s most prestigious design events – Hong Kong Business of Design Week.

Minister for Creative Industries Martin Foley said Hong Kong Business of Design Week was a celebration of the latest design innovations from around the world – attracting more than 100,000 people.

The week includes conferences, expos, forums and events that bring together designers from all fields to showcase their work and identify new business opportunities.

The Victorian Government-led delegation is made up of architects, games developers, design industry bodies, universities and designers working across graphic, fashion, interior and industrial design.

The visit provided a platform for local businesses to promote their products and services and find new global business opportunities.

Minister Foley spoke at the closing event where he gave a preview of Melbourne’s plans for Design Week in 2018.

Under the theme ‘Melbourne: Think. Collaborate. Create.’ – next year’s event will provide a major global platform to showcase the strength of Victoria’s design industry, local businesses, products and talent.

Victoria has spearheaded delegations to Hong Kong Business of Design Week since 2014 to generate new business, find new suppliers, tap into Asian distributor networks and explore the potential to set up regional offices.

The Andrews Labor Government is investing $115 million over four years through the Creative State strategy – the largest and most comprehensive investment by any government in the creativity of Victorians.

Victoria’s design industry currently generates more than $5 billion for the state economy each year including $400 million in exports.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Creative Industries Martin Foley

“Victorian designers are world-class and this has been a terrific opportunity for a local delegation to share their stories and ideas, and make important international connections.”

“Our Creative State strategy will ensure our proud sector is creating local jobs and opportunities – we are ready to do business and we can’t wait to show the world in 2018.”