Victoria Welcomes Google To Melbourne

Thursday 5 July 2018

One of the world’s biggest and most recognisable companies, Google, officially opened its Melbourne office today – the latest in a raft of leading tech businesses to establish a major presence in Victoria.

The move will boost Victoria’s tech sector and create jobs and training opportunities for local tech workers, with more than 100 desks already available and possible expansion to follow in the future.

The new office expands Google’s presence in Victoria and will provide support, policy, sales, marketing and cloud computing services.

Google is the latest addition to a long list of major global tech companies investing in Melbourne, including Alibaba, Amazon,, LiveTiles, Mimecast, Slack, Zendesk and Square.

These companies have been attracted by Victoria’s healthy investment climate and strong economy as well as its wealth of tech talent and vibrant tech ecosystem.

Victoria’s 10 world-class universities produce 37 per cent of Australia’s tech graduates, more than any other state.

The presence of heavyweights like Google bolsters Victoria’s tech sector, creating jobs and training opportunities for local students and giving local tech companies and startups the chance to collaborate with world leaders.

The Andrews Labor Government has been a strong supporter of the tech sector, which now boasts more than 8,000 companies and employs 160,000 people across the state.

Quotes attributable to Acting Premier James Merlino

“Google’s new office will employ more than a hundred people and create training opportunities for our talented tech graduates.”

“It’s a vote of confidence in our economy, and will bolster our already strong tech sector – which is delivering jobs for Victorians.” 

Quotes attributable to Minister for Innovation and the Digital Economy Philip Dalidakis

“It’s no surprise to see Google further investing in its Victorian office as we have incredible talent in the tech sector and produce the largest number of tech grads across Australia.”

“We’re working hard to retain our number one tech city ranking in Australia – we believe Google has both a bright future here and a strong part to play in delivering strong job growth.”

Quote attributable to Google Melbourne site lead Sean McDonell

“The new Melbourne office demonstrates our long-term commitment to businesses and partners in Victoria. We’re delighted to have a growing office hub here in Melbourne – from just four people when we began a few years ago, to more than 100 desks in the Google Melbourne office today.”