Victoria Striking New Med Tech Deals In India

Monday 9 May 2016

The Andrews Labor Government today announced two new agreements to further strengthen Victoria’s reputable medical technology sector and see our expertise help address major health challenges in India.

During the government-led Neuroscience Victoria trade mission to India this week, Swinburne University signed two memorandums of understanding to partner with major Indian healthcare providers to tackle some of the country’s biggest clinical problems.

Neuroscience leaders from Swinburne signed one agreement with Medanta, one of India’s largest private hospitals, on a project to improve the diagnosis of epilepsy across India.

The project will develop products and technologies that can be used to help diagnose epilepsy in villages and remote communities across the sprawling nation, using technology to help local health workers make early diagnosis and refer patients quickly for treatment in urban centres.

Swinburne also signed a memorandum of understanding with the prestigious All India Institute of Medical Sciences to develop a cutting edge ‘smart helmet’ to reduce the incidence of head injuries for motorcyclists.

Two thirds of road vehicles in India are two-wheelers and tens of thousands of people die on India’s roads every year with many more suffering injury and trauma.

The ‘smart helmet’ is designed to be light-weight and incorporate technology to address the issues that currently discourage people from wearing helmets.

These breakthrough agreements demonstrate the world-leading expertise being generated from Victoria’s renowned medical research institutes with technological advances that are adding real public value across the world.

The Labor Government is providing ongoing support to the medical technology and pharmaceuticals sector as one of six key growth industries to drive jobs in Victoria – the sector currently generates revenues of more than $12 billion a year including $1.98 billion in exports.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Small Business, Innovation and Trade, Philip Dalidakis

“Congratulations to Swinburne on these exciting new agreements – a great example of the opportunities that our targeted trade missions are providing Victorian companies to take their expertise to the world. We are  boosting our global med tech reputation and creating jobs here at home.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health, Jill Hennessy

“We’re determined to capitalise on the export, investment and job creating potential of Victoria’s medical research and technology sector, and further strengthening our relationship with India will help us achieve that.”

Quotes attributable to Professor Ajay Kapoor, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Swinburne University of Technology

“There are incredible opportunities for Victorian doctors, scientists and researchers to work with their counterparts in India and Swinburne is proud to be leading the way with breakthroughs that will deliver significant health benefits to the community.”