Victoria Secures The Melbourne Ring Cycle

Thursday 18 June 2015

Melbourne has locked in the exclusive rights to host the return of the culturally iconic opera, The Melbourne Ring Cycle, at Arts Centre Melbourne next year.

The Ring Cycle is one of the most spectacular and compelling productions in Western culture.

The 16-hour epic by composer Richard Wagner is held only in a select few cities around the world and attracts a highly-dedicated international following.

First held in Germany in 1876, the Ring Cycle is a four-part opera, which it runs over four nights.

The first Melbourne Ring Cycle was held at the State Theatre in Melbourne in 2013. Almost half of those who attended were from interstate or abroad. Each stayed at least a week, and many used their stay to visit regional Victoria.

The 2016 Melbourne Ring Cycle is expected to be worth up to $15 million to the state.

The Opera Australia production begins on November 21 and runs until December 16.

Quotes attributable to Premier of Victoria, Daniel Andrews

“It’s no surprise an opera of this magnitude wants to open in Melbourne. We’re the cultural and major events capital of the country.”

“Shows like these keep our hotels full, our night spots bustling and our economy strong – and that means jobs ”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Tourism and Major Events, John Eren

“We’re Australia’s benchmark when it comes to major events and our interstate counterparts are jealous of our impressive calendar. This is proof our strategy is keeping us well ahead of the pack.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Creative Industries, Martin Foley

“The Ring Cycle is an epic and ambitious undertaking. It involves around 400 performers and about 150 people working behind the scenes. It’s another example of our strength as a leading creative and cultural city.”

Key Facts

  • The 2013 Melbourne Ring Cycle was sold out, as 5800 guests packed the State Theatre over three cycles
  • In 2013, almost half of those who attended were from interstate or overseas
  • International guests stayed an average of 11.5 nights, while interstate visitors stayed 9.2 nights
  • Guests spent an average of $238 each day during their stay