Victoria Exports Digital Expertise To Vietnam

Monday 16 May 2016

Victoria is exporting its innovation and expertise in digital technology to South East Asia with a new digital centre of excellence to be established in Vietnam.

Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert today officially opened RMIT’s Centre of Digital Excellence (CODE) in Ho Chi Minh City.

The Centre will build capacity in Vietnam and connect government, industry and the education sector.

CODE is the latest venture for RMIT in Vietnam, building on the opening of its original campus in Ho Chi Minh City in 2001 and its second campus in Hanoi in 2004.

The Centre will run a series of free public lectures on digital teaching and learning, launch a number of fully online graduate certificates and host professional development and digital best practice events.

Following its launch, CODE will collaborate with Vietnamese universities, work with primary and secondary schools and encourage industry linkages.

The success of RMIT, which is the biggest foreign owned university in Vietnam, is a great example of how Victoria’s world class higher education sector is taking its expertise to the world.

More than 13,000 Vietnamese students are currently studying in Victoria, making them the largest cohort of international students to study in the state, after China and India.

Mr Herbert is visiting South East Asia to further Victoria’s reputation as a leading international education destination and to open up new markets.

The Andrews Labor Government has identified international education as one of the six key priority growth sectors that it is supporting through its $200 million Future Industries Fund.

The Victorian Budget 2016/17 included $32 million to drive continued growth in international education and to help implement the International Education Sector Strategy.

International education is Victoria’s number one service export, generating $5.6 billion dollars for the local economy while supporting more than 30,000 jobs across the state.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Training and Skills Steve Herbert

“This is a great example of the opportunities there are for Victoria’s higher education sector to grow across our region and deliver the same high-quality service and innovation overseas that it delivers at home.”

“Victoria is a world leader in digital education and we produce more ICT graduates than any other Australian state and boast the country’s biggest and best pipeline of digital talent.”

“The Andrews Labor Government is investing in the international education sector because we know what an important contribution it makes to our economy and the jobs opportunities it creates for Victorians.”