Upgrading Local Roads In South West Victoria

Thursday 16 August 2018

Moyne Shire’s agricultural sector in south west Victoria will soon be transporting produce to market in better condition and more safely thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s Local Roads to Market program.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford today announced almost $1.5 million in upgrades, with $998,000 from the Labor Government for key upgrades in the shire from the second round of the program.

The grant, along with co-investment from Moyne Shire Council, will fund infrastructure upgrades to enable and improve access for heavy freight vehicles from the farmgate to arterial roads.

Moyne Shire Council is proposing to widen five kilometres of Staywood Road and Spring Flat Road to provide more direct access from dairy and beef farm land to processors and saleyards in the region – avoiding delays and wear on heavy vehicles that might otherwise be forced to proceed through Warrnambool.

The project will also upgrade the Staywood Road and Spring Flat Road intersection.

Upon completion of the project, a 12.3 kilometre freight route will be accessible by higher mass vehicles such as 25 metre B-Double trucks and 26 metre A-Doubles. This will assist in the transportation of dairy produce, particularly cheese and butter, that is often carried through this key intersection.

The $25 million Local Roads to Market program is a key pillar of the government’s Agriculture Infrastructure and Jobs Fund to improve connections from the farm gate to arterial roads, receival points and markets.

The Moyne Shire upgrade is one of 39 projects worth $24 million to be delivered under round two of the program.

These projects are delivered in close consultation with the Victorian Farmers Federation and in partnership with the Moyne Shire Council.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Our Local Roads to Market program is supporting communities that rely on farming – ensuring their top-quality produce is delivered to market in good condition, safe and on time.”

“Our farm businesses and their supply chains across south west Victoria will see improved productivity and be in a better position to compete in international markets because of this investment.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney

“These upgrades will improve agribusiness and supply chain productivity and improve the country road network for all users.”