Unprecedented investment to end family violence

Tuesday 2 May 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is keeping its promise to protect women and children and hold perpetrators to account, with an unprecedented investment to end family violence.

The Victorian Budget 2017/18 includes $1.91 billion to help implement every recommendation made by the landmark Family Violence Royal Commission into Family Violence.

The package includes $448.1 million to establish 17 Support and Safety Hubs across the state. They will serve as a visible contact point for victim survivors and give local communities access to highly skilled workers with connections to the justice system and social services, including housing.

There will also be more support for tens of thousands of victims with $270.8 million for after-hours crisis support, counselling and therapy.

A massive overhaul of our courts and justice system will begin, with $269.4 million to implement five Specialist Family Violence Courts across the state and make the system more responsive to victims' needs.

This includes replacing existing 1980s IT systems at the Children’s and Magistrates Courts, and dramatically expanding legal services for victims, with additional assistance for family violence intervention orders and child protection matters.

Our children will also be better protected with $161.1 million to expand family services and recruit 450 child protection workers to respond to family violence reports sooner.

Building on last year’s investment in housing, an additional $133.2 million will go towards extra long-term housing, more rental assistance, improved crisis accommodation and better support for people fleeing family violence.

The Labor Government is also delivering the Central Information Point, with the Budget providing $101.2 million to ensure government and family violence agencies can better share information and keep victims safe.

A further $76.9 million will help hold perpetrators to account, including early intervention and men’s behaviour change programs.

And to help stop family violence before it starts, $50.7 million has been allocated for Victoria’s first primary prevention strategy and to establish the state’s new Prevention Agency.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“This is an unprecedented investment to keep women and children safe, because there’s nothing more important.”

“This will give victims a safe place to go, the legal advice and the support they need to recover. In short: this will change and save lives.”

“We promised we’d spare nothing when it came to addressing family violence – we’re keeping that promise.”