Turnbull’s Plan To Rip Millions From Bendigo Hospitals

Sunday 18 February 2018

Bendigo Health Care Group and local patients will be millions of dollars worse off under a plan by Malcolm Turnbull to slash health funding.

Once again, Victorians are being dudded by Malcolm Turnbull, with new analysis confirming plans to short-change Bendigo Health Care Group to the tune of $56.8 million as part of a new health funding agenda.

Under the Turnbull Government’s National Health Reform Agreement 2020/21 to 2024/25, the Liberals are still refusing to pay their fair share, capping their contribution at 6.5 per cent growth – which will not meet demand in our hospitals – and refusing to increase the Commonwealth contribution rate to 50 per cent.

The agreement they have put on the table would mean $2.1 billion less for Victorian hospitals over the five years, which for Bendigo Health Care Group would mean:

  • 190 fewer doctors
  • 454 fewer nurses
  • 9,155 fewer elective surgeries

This would hit our hospitals hard, and would leave Bendigo patients waiting longer for vital healthcare.

Across the Loddon Mallee region, cuts of $118.5 million would mean 399 fewer doctors, 951 fewer nurses or 19,122 fewer elective surgeries.

This is on top of the $104 million that Victoria is already owed by the Federal Liberal Government – which Malcolm Turnbull still refuses to pay – despite independent advice confirming Victoria is entitled to the funding.

This $104 million cut is equal to 100,000 chemotherapy treatments or 650 nurses.

As the fastest growing state in the country, Victoria deserves its fair share. This proves again that Malcolm Turnbull and his Government cannot be trusted on health funding.

And to make matters worse, Matthew Guy refuses to stand up against his mate Malcolm Turnbull when he cuts Victorian hospitals.

You can’t trust the Liberals when it comes to healthcare – all they do is cut.

Quote attributable to Minister for Health Jill Hennessy

“Our new analysis shows that every single hospital across our state would stand to miss out – and it’s Victorian patients who will bear the brunt of these costs.”

Quote attributable to Member for Bendigo East Jacinta Allan

“The Andrews Labor Government delivered Bendigo a bigger new hospital, and we won’t stand by while vital funds are cut from our hospitals by Malcolm Turnbull.”

Quote attributable to Member for Bendigo West Maree Edwards

“Bendigo locals reject this agreement. Malcolm Turnbull needs to step up and stop short-changing our hospitals to prop up his budget bottom line.”