Traralgon Ambulance Station To Be Upgraded

Friday 11 September 2015

The Andrews Labor Government today announced that Traralgon Ambulance Station will be rebuilt as part of a $20 million investment to modernise and upgrade ambulance facilities across Victoria.

Traralgon Ambulance Station is more than 30 years old and is too small, lacks secure storage and adequate facilities.

The Labor Government has worked with Ambulance Victoria to identify branches across Victoria most in need of replacing, and will announce more ambulance stations which will receive upgrades in coming weeks.

Already, the Government has announced eight branches that will be upgraded, including Kew, Preston, Eltham and Dandenong Ambulance Stations in metropolitan Melbourne, and Sale, Orbost, and Echuca Ambulance Stations in regional Victoria.

All of these stations will be replaced with state-of-the-art branches that feature spacious and functional garages for vehicles, and modern facilities for paramedics, including lounge areas, a kitchen, training rooms and amenities.

A new ambulance station will also be built in Karingal.

The Labor Government has invested an extra $99 million in ambulance services in the 2015-16 Victorian Budget to deliver more ambulance services, upgrade ambulance branches and provide new and replacement vehicles and equipment. This extra funding will also provide increased support services for Victoria’s hardworking paramedics.

The Government has also removed red tape so that MICA paramedics can now use their skills wherever they’re located, including in non-MICA branches. This will mean better services and responses for Victorians, particularly in regional and rural areas.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Ambulance Services Jill Hennessy

“We’re upgrading our ambulance stations to ensure they’re safe, fit-for-purpose, and comfortable for our hardworking paramedics.”

“Some of these stations have been around for decades, and if we’re to have a modern ambulance service, we need to have modern facilities.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing

“Sale, Orbost and Traralgon Ambulance Stations are old and unsafe, and I’m delighted the Government is investing to upgrade these branches.”

“These upgrades mean our local paramedics will be able to better and more quickly respond to critical medical emergencies in Gippsland.”