Trams – Made And Maintained In Victoria

Saturday 6 March 2021

The Andrews Labor Government is delivering a pipeline of local jobs for Victorians working on Melbourne’s iconic tram fleet, breathing new life into older tram models and preparing to deliver the state’s newest Next Generation Trams.

Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll today visited the Preston tram depot, where 50 jobs have been supported from more than 25 local suppliers working to extend the life of Melbourne’s classic A- and Z-Class trams, keeping the world’s largest tram network running safely and reliably for years to come.

The $26 million program is revitalising the mechanical and electrical systems of the trams, which make up around a third of the city’s fleet, to ensure they provide the modern tram services Melburnians deserve until the Next Generation Trams hit the tracks from 2025.

100 Next Generation Trams will make up the biggest single investment in trams in the state’s history – with $1.48 billion in the Victorian Budget 2020-21 to design and manufacture Victoria’s most modern, accessible and energy-efficient trams and purchase land for a new dedicated tram maintenance facility.

The entire Next Generation Tram fleet will be made in Victoria, by Victorians – supporting up to 1,900 local manufacturing and supply chain jobs at the peak of production. As they are introduced, they will gradually replace the A- and Z-class trams across the network, which first entered service between 1975 and 1986.

The Labor Government has already invested more than $700 million since 2015 to deliver 50 locally built E-Class trams, bringing the total E-Class fleet to 100 low-floor trams by the end of 2021.

Built in Dandenong, the E-Class program supports more than 500 local jobs across construction and the wider supply chain – delivering trams with modern features for passenger comfort like audio-visual passenger information, air conditioning, improved safety and dedicated spaces for mobility aids or prams.

The A- and Z-Class life extension program is supported by the Labor Government’s $2.7 billion Building Works stimulus package, boosting local jobs as Victoria moves through its recovery from the coronavirus pandemic.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Ben Carroll

“We’re building a world-class rolling stock industry right here in Victoria – with an ongoing pipeline of secure jobs to ensure we attract the best design, engineering and manufacturing talent for our public transport network.”

“We’re breathing new life into our iconic older trams before we start rolling out our most comfortable, energy-efficient and accessible trams ever – made in Victoria, by close to 2,000 Victorians.”

Quote attributable to Member for Preston Robin Scott

“It’s fantastic to hear from our suppliers that they’ve been able to retain and bring on new local workers as we recover from the pandemic and look to get Victorians back in good, long-term jobs.”

Quotes attributable to Yarra Trams CEO Julien Dehornoy

“The A- and Z-Class project has already supported 50 jobs, and that number is only going to grow as we bring on more local suppliers to help get the work done.”

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