Training For Family Violence Workers To Protect Children

Monday 21 November 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is giving family violence workers the skills they need to help more Victorian children, recruiting 17 dedicated family violence workers for child protection offices across the state.

A two week training course will cover child protection practice, effective negotiation of court processes, engaging perpetrators and working with Aboriginal families.

The Government is also employing 12 additional child protection workers to work in areas that need it most.

The Family Violence Child Protection Partnership is a $17.5 million program over five years that co-locates family violence workers in child protection offices across Victoria.

Agencies from across Victoria selected based on their experience and the needs of vulnerable families include:

  • Berry Street
  • Mallee Sexual Assault Unit Inc.
  • Eastern Domestic Violence Service Inc.
  • Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency
  • Centre Against Violence
  • Primary Care Connect and the Salvation Army.

Family violence has a devastating impact on children and young people, and puts families at risk of further trauma and crisis.

By co-locating family violence workers and child protection workers, families will be better able to quickly access the services and help they need to keep them safe.

The Government is implementing all 227 recommendations of the Royal Commission into family violence –including providing greater support to women dealing with child protection.

Earlier this year, the Government’s $168 million Roadmap for Reform was introduced to shift the children and family services system from crisis response to prevention and early intervention.

It includes major investments in support services, extra child protection workers, culturally sensitive support for Aboriginal children, and more foster and kinship carers, including Aboriginal carers.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“The Andrews Labor Government is putting people first by helping children fleeing family violence get the support they need, when they need it.”

“These new specialist roles are critical in strengthening child protection workers’ understanding of and response to family violence.”