Tougher Ice Dealer Laws To Reduce Harm In Victoria

Friday 23 September 2016

Those who peddle in the misery of the ice trade will face tougher penalties under new laws proposed by the Andrews Labor Government.

New legislation is being drafted which will see a lowering of commercial and large commercial quantities for ice trafficking – giving police greater capacity to prosecute dealers.

The Victorian Court of Appeal recently recommended the quantities for trafficking of ice be reviewed because of the significant harm the drug causes in our community.

The current threshold quantities will be cut to enable courts to impose higher sentences on those who traffic methylamphetamine:

  • 100g for commercial trafficking will be reduced by up to 50g
  • 500g for commercial trafficking of mixed quantities will be reduced by up to 250g
  • 750g for large commercial trafficking will be reduced by up to 250g
  • 1kg for large commercial trafficking of mixed quantities will be reduced by up to 250g.

50g of ice is approximately 400 to 600 street hits. The Government is working with relevant authorities to finalise the exact quantities before legislation is introduced early next year.

The maximum penalty for large commercial trafficking is life imprisonment and a fine of $777,300. Commercial trafficking carries with it a maximum of 25 years’ imprisonment and a fine of $466,380.

The Government has already taken strong action to reduce the harm caused by ice and to hold to account those responsible for manufacturing and dealing the drug.

Our $103 million Ice Action Plan is expanding treatment services, providing more support for families, protecting frontline workers, and giving extra powers to close down manufacturers and make our community safer.

The Government also funded 24 additional forensic officers and staff for two new forensic hubs in regional Victoria to fast-track investigations into ice trafficking and other drugs. The procurement process continues for new drug and booze buses – while police conduct 100,000 roadside drug tests state-wide each year.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

"We know the harm ice is causing in our communities and the impact its having on crime, that's why we're giving Victoria Police the laws and resources they need to tackle this insidious drug.

"These legislative changes will better reflect the harm that ice has on individuals, families and across our communities.” 

“Holding traffickers to account for their actions is critical to stopping the spread of these drugs.”