Time For Morrison To Pay Up On Infrastructure

Friday 8 February 2019

The minority Morrison Government must fairly fund Victorian infrastructure if any progress is to be made towards a national population framework.

The Federal Liberal Government failed to reach an agreement on the framework with the states and territories at the Treasurer’s Forum on Population in Canberra on Friday.

If the Commonwealth’s infrastructure investment was distributed based on population share, Victoria would receive an additional $4.9 billion extra over the budget and forward estimates period, according to the latest projections.

The Commonwealth is pushing a population framework, but at the same time is cutting funding to our schools and hospitals.

Victoria’s population will reach 10 million by 2051, with the Andrews Labor Government investing, on average, $10.6 billion annually between 2018-19 and 2021-22 in infrastructure.

While Victoria pushes for the Commonwealth to better understand our infrastructure challenges and for fairer funding, the Morrison Government refuses to unlock the $3 billion in reserve from the failed East West Link, which Victorians have twice voted down.

That money which should be urgently redirected to the North East Link.

Quotes attributable to Victorian Treasurer Tim Pallas

“Victoria accounts for a third of the nation’s population growth and our economy generates more jobs than anywhere else in the nation.”

“We’re delivering the biggest pipeline of major projects in our state’s history – ensuring Victoria has the transport, schools and hospitals our state needs as it grows.”

“If the Commonwealth really cares about Victoria’s population, they would immediately unlock the $3 billion they are keeping in a locked box, so we can continue delivering the projects Victorians need.”