Thousands To Walk Against Family Violence

Thursday 23 November 2023

Thousands of people will march on the streets of Melbourne today in solidarity with victim-survivors of family violence and express their support for a future where all Victorians, especially women, are safe, equal and respected. 

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Vicki Ward will join MPs, advocates and community members from all walks of life for the event from 11am, which will include a walk from Parliament House to Carlton Gardens.

The Walk Against Family Violence, organised by Respect Victoria, kicks off Victoria’s activities to mark the global 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based violence, from 25 November to 10 December. 

On average, every 10 days in Australia, a woman is killed by a partner or former partner, but it doesn’t have to be this way – violence against women and family violence is preventable. 

Preventing this violence is everyone’s responsibility and involves changing the outdated attitudes, beliefs, systems and structures that underpin this violence and addressing gender inequality.

The Allan Labor Government is unwavering in its work to eradicate family violence and violence against women and make sure victim survivors have access to the support they need, with more than $3.86 billion invested since the Royal Commission into Family Violence in 2015.

The reforms also include delivering Respectful Relationships programs in more than 1,950 schools, educating young people about affirmative consent and establishing the nation’s first dedicated prevention agency, Respect Victoria.

Quotes attributable to Minister for the Prevention of Family Violence Vicki Ward

While one woman’s death from violence is one too many, in recent weeks we have seen headline after headline of women who have been killed, often at the hands of a current or former partner.

“The next 16 days are an opportunity to focus on the work that is happening all year round, to end family violence, to support victim-survivors and to change the attitudes that underpin gender-based violence.” 

Quotes attributable to Respect Victoria Board Chair Dr Kate Fitz-Gibbon

“The 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence is an opportunity for every single Victorian to take action and join the conversation about preventing family violence and violence against women.”

“The Walk Against Family Violence is a chance for Victorians to take a stand against family violence and violence against women. Violence is preventable. Let’s work together to address the harmful attitudes and behaviours that drive violence across our society.”

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