Tackling Aboriginal Housing Challenges Head On

Tuesday 25 February 2020

Aboriginal Victorians will be better supported to beat homelessness and maintain secure, long-term housing through the new Victorian Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework.

The framework – titled Mana-na worn-tyeen maar-takoort: Every Aboriginal Person Has a Home – sets out a blueprint to improve Aboriginal housing outcomes in a generation.

Minister for Housing Richard Wynne and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Gavin Jennings were at Parliament House today to launch the framework and announce an initial investment of $5.3 million to kick-start its initiatives.

The Andrews Labor Government funded Aboriginal Housing Victoria to develop the framework, which will build a new approach to ensuring all Aboriginal Victorians have safe, secure and stable housing.

The framework is the first self-determined strategic policy direction led and developed by the Victorian Aboriginal community.

The $5.3 million will fund initiatives such as an Aboriginal-specific Private Rental Assistance Program, community engagement activities and the exploring future investment in Aboriginal housing.

It will also secure the continuation of the award-winning More Than a Landlord program, which provides life coaching and support towards education, employment and maintaining stable housing.

The Labor Government will continue to stand with the Victorian Aboriginal community in helping Aboriginal families determine their own future.

The Labor Government also support Aboriginal self-determination through the gradual transfer of 1,448 public housing properties, valued at $409.4 million, to Aboriginal community ownership through Aboriginal Housing Victoria, which was finalised in 2018.

Quote attributable to Minister for Housing Richard Wynne

“The housing challenges faced by Aboriginal people are unique and embedded in historical injustice. They can only be overcome by working with Aboriginal communities in a spirit of genuine partnership and co-operation.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Gavin Jennings

“Self-determination is at the heart of this framework, ensuring Aboriginal people are the decision makers when it comes to improving Aboriginal housing outcomes.”