Swan Hill Youth Put Local Issues On The Agenda

Wednesday 21 September 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is investing nearly $500,000 in support for young people in the Swan Hill region with the opening of a new Youth Affairs Council of Victoria (YACVic) office in Swan Hill.

The new service will connect and support young people in the Swan Hill region – especially those experiencing disadvantage – with schooling, getting a job and making their voices heard in the community.

To give young regional Victorians a louder voice, the Labor Government provided $962,000 over two years to YACVic to establish two new regional offices. One has already opened in Warrnambool.

Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos officially opened the YACVic office at the first of 12 regional and metropolitan Youth Forums today.

The Swan Hill Youth Forum gives young people a voice to generate issues and ideas for further discussion at Victoria’s inaugural Youth Summit, to be held during National Youth Week 2017.

Nearly $210,000 will be available for community organisations, local councils and schools with grants of up to $2000 announced today ahead of National Youth Week celebrations.

Attendees will also nominate regional representatives to participate in the Victoria Youth Congress, a diverse group of 12 to 24-year-olds who advise government and act on priority issues.

The forums support the Labor Government’s new Youth Policy, Building Stronger Youth Engagement in Victoria, which offers a platform to better connect young people and government.

The policy was developed in consultation with more than 2,000 young people, youth organisations, parents, carers and sector professionals.

For more information, visit www.youthcentral.vic.gov.au/youth-policy

Quotes Attributable to Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos

“Young people in Swan Hill will benefit greatly from the services provided by the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria, with crucial supports around school and getting a job.”

“The Andrews Labor Government is ensuring that the voices of young Victorians are heard loud and clear. The former Coalition Government ignored young people when they gutted TAFE and cut school funding.”

“Today’s youth forum is an important way for government to hear the views of young people in Swan Hill and we look forward to hearing young Victorians right across the state in coming weeks.”