Support For Disability Self-Help Groups Across Victoria

Wednesday 10 April 2024

More Victorians with a disability will get the peer support they need thanks to the Allan Labor Government’s Disability Self-Help Grants Program.

Minister for Disability Lizzie Blandthorn today visited Sunspec Support Group for Families and Carers of People with Disabilities in Sunbury to announce 72 self-help groups will receive a grant through the latest round of the program. 

Sunspec will be supported to deliver a series of workshops about mental health for carers of people with disabilities. 

Valued up to $14,000 over two years, the grants strengthen social, emotional and practical support provided to people with disability and their families or carers. Self-help groups bring together people who have similar experiences and face similar barriers through a peer support network. 

This year, for the first time the Labor Government has also expanded the grants to support activities that celebrate pride and recognition, or pay for guest speakers. 

Inclusive Rainbow Voices, a group that advocate for human rights of LGBTIQA+ people with disability, will receive funds to set up a new peer support group and contract a peer worker to support the work that they do in the community. 

While the Stroke a Chord Choir, made up of community members who have had strokes and experienced loss of speech and language, will receive a grant to contribute to the costs of public performances like hiring out halls.  

Self-help groups bring people with disability and their families together to share insights, provide information, promote community participation and support networking. 

Applications for the grants round were open to all Victorian-based disability self-help groups. 

Further information about the grants can be found at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Disability Lizzie Blandthorn

“This investment will support disability self-help groups, where people can share their experiences and offer each other support and information.”

“This is just one way we are making sure people with disability can participate in all aspects of our community - helping to build an inclusive Victoria.”

Quote attributable to Member for Sunbury Josh Bull 

"It's great to see SunSpec Support Group receive funding. They're an important part of the community here in Sunbury, providing social, emotional and practical support for people with disability as well as their families and carers." 

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