Summer Extension For Albury Seating Reservation Trial

Tuesday 19 December 2023

The Allan Labor Government has extended its V/Line trial of reservation-only seating on the Albury Line over summer – while continuing extra services on weekends. 

The reservation trial has been well received by passengers and will be extended to seven days a week during summer.

From Monday 18 December through to the end of February 2024, all V/Line train services on the Albury Line will be fully reserved, giving passengers more certainty when planning to travel over summer, including the upcoming school holidays.

More than 250,000 trips have been taken on the Albury Line since the introduction of the regional fare cap, with passengers paying no more than a metropolitan fare.

Passengers will also continue to have more weekend travel options, with an additional Saturday service to Melbourne and return Sunday service to Albury to continue running across the summer months.

Feedback on the reservation trial has been positive and V/Line will use the next few months to further consult with passengers before deciding whether it will be permanently introduced.

Earlier this year, more than 70 per cent of passengers surveyed by V/Line staff supported a move to reservation-only seating on busy Albury Line trains.

The reservation trial has been operating on weekends and school holidays since the first weekend of September, following the introduction of the extra weekend service in July.

Passengers that require special assistance should call 1800 800 007 (6am-midnight) to discuss their needs before you travel.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public and Active Transport Gabrielle Williams 

“The regional fare cap continues to be extremely popular on the Albury Line and by extending this reservation-only seating trial, we’re giving passengers more certainty about seating over the summer period.”

“With fairer fares, extra services and more booking certainty, we’re working hard to support Albury Line passengers and their travel needs, ensuring they can attend major events, visit family and friends or explore the best of what Victoria has to offer this holiday season.”   

Quotes attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes 

“Passengers on the Albury Line have voted with their feet for cheaper and fairer fares, with more than 250,000 trips taken since the introduction of the regional fare cap.”

“We expect the summer holidays to be another busy time for travel on the Albury Line, so we are continuing this reservation-only trial and extending these extra services to help support the increasing demand.”

231219 - Summer Extension For Albury Seating Reservation Trial .pdf
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