Students And Councils Working Together To Tackle Climate Change

Thursday 18 February 2016

Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Anthony Carbines today recognised outstanding young Victorians and local councils for their efforts to tackle climate change.

Attending the Victorian Climate Awards in Carlton, Mr Carbines said the initiative was important in encouraging ways young people and local governments were helping prevent climate change and deal with its impacts.

The Awards were established in 2015 as a partnership between the Victorian Local Government Association and the Australian Youth Climate Coalition.

Projects nominated through the 2015 Award include the recycling of e-waste, ways to make solar power more accessible, providing tools for people to make choices about how to minimise their household energy use and the promotion of broader strategies for local governments, industry and the community to improve energy efficiency and reduce emissions.

A Geelong High School student, Jack Nyhof and Melbourne Girls’ College Student, Ruby Wynn Williams, were also recognised for their environmental advocacy and actions.

The Andrews Labor Government recently announced $1.15 million in grants to support local councils respond to the challenges of climate change.

The Victorian Climate Change Grants 2015 will help councils who can make an important contribution in helping their local communities and businesses reduce emissions and prepare for and adapt to the impacts of climate change. Successful applicants for the grants will be announced shortly.

The Government also makes scholarships available for local government staff to enhance the integration of climate change considerations into the services they provide to their communities.

Quotes attributable to Parliamentary Secretary for the Environment Anthony Carbines

“I congratulate those recognised through the Climate Awards – they’re making an important contribution through their own efforts and by setting examples that others can follow.”

“The impact of climate change is felt by all Victorians and we are working hard to combat its impact while at the same time supporting a stronger more adaptable economy into the future to protect and grow Victorian jobs.”

“We recently released the findings of an independent review of the Climate Change Act as part of our efforts to protect our communities and environment from the impacts of climate change and transition to a thriving, lower emissions economy.”