Stronger, Safer Services For Victorians

Thursday 20 May 2021

The Andrews Labor Government is cutting red tape and strengthening our digital systems to tailor services around the needs of Victorians as they navigate everything from starting a business to applying for a solar rebate.

Following the establishment of Digital Victoria last year, the Victorian Budget 2021/22 provides a further $180 million to improve digital services. 

That includes almost $70 million for Service Victoria to provide more services online, such as grant applications and business licensing approvals. It will make it easier for Victorians to access online services such as solar panel rebates, digital fishing licenses and Working with Children Checks. 

Not only will this investment mean less paperwork for Victorians, it’ll save businesses time and money – allowing them to focus their energy on growing their operations and growing Victorian jobs.

In last year’s Budget, close to $75 million went towards an overhaul of Victoria’s regulatory system, streamlining regulation for Victorian businesses, councils and communities.

This included our Regulation Reform Initiative Fund, which is supporting our state’s recovery by making things easier for businesses – including moving applications to become a driving instructor and for a range of different business licenses online.

A $6.2 million investment for the Construction Supplier Register and Residential Cladding Rectification Registers will help rigorously assess construction businesses working with government or fixing cladding, while minimising the burden on business by streamlining the procurement process for suppliers working with government.

Across the globe, people are spending more time online – increasing the threat of cybercrime. This Budget builds on our cyber defenses with a record investment of almost $51 million as part of the Government’s new Cyber Safe Victoria 2021+.

Over the next four years, the strategy will protect government systems and information, and support the growth of Victorian cyber businesses, jobs and capabilities to boost innovation and skills for the future.

A $7.1 million investment for Victoria’s Open Data Program will put data back in the hands of Victorians and Victorian businesses so they can make informed decisions and partner with government in developing community‑based solutions to public policy challenges.

To make these digital systems work, we need to hear from people right across the state. With the user experience front of mind, $7 million will go towards our Community Intelligence and Design program. 

This funding will support Engage Victoria, the Government’s digital public consultation platform, which has already attracted thousands of contributions on critical reforms such the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.

Quotes attributable to Assistant Treasurer and Minister for Government Services Danny Pearson 

“Our relationship with the digital world has never been more important, and the pandemic and bushfires showed us just how important our online offering is.”

“We’re streamlining our online services, cutting red tape and investing in technology so Victorians spend less time navigating the system and more time on the things that really matter.” 

“With these investments, we’ll relieve businesses and industries of their paperwork burden, allowing them to focus on their recovery.” 

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