Strengthening Services For Young Victorians

Monday 30 July 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is helping more young people be their best by establishing three new Community Support Groups.

Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos and Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott today announced $5.5 million for the groups, which are aimed at boosting community engagement, resilience and ensuring young people can be linked to appropriate services.

The focus is to connect young people and their families to existing and new activities to improve their health and wellbeing, education, training and employment outcomes, as well as community participation.

The three new groups will be focused in Melbourne’s south-east and west and have been developed in close consultation with members of the South Sudanese community.

The Centre for Multicultural Youth will manage two groups, in Dandenong and in Melton/Brimbank. Wyndham Community and Education Centre has been appointed the auspice of the third CSG, which will be located in Wyndham.

Each group has been funded to support its establishment and operation, including employing staff to work with young South Sudanese people and families and provide them with culturally-sensitive support.

Funding will also support the engagement of youth outreach workers, alcohol and drug support workers, parenting programs, youth mentoring, family support and sports and recreation activities.

A Local Reference Group, established by the auspice organisation and comprised of community members including young people, local and state government representatives, will guide each location’s operations and activities.

Each of the new locations was selected in response to consultation through the Victorian African Communities Action Plan, developed by and for African communities in partnership with the Labor Government.

For more information, visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Youth Affairs Jenny Mikakos

“We want young people who are engaged, driven and supported to reach their full potential – that’s what these Community Support Groups are about.”

“It’s also about giving opportunities for the local South Sudanese community to express their views and be involved in developing their own, community-led solutions. We want to give all young people in our state the opportunities to make positive contributions to society.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“The strength of the Community Support Group model is that it empowers community members to drive responses to locally identified issues in a collaborative way that builds trust, resilience and celebrates our diverse community.”

“We want to build on the strength of the South Sudanese community by providing more opportunities for them to fully participate in every aspect of Victorian life.”