Strengthening Our Disability Workforce

Tuesday 3 August 2021

With growing demand for disability support workers, the Andrews Labor Government is rolling out a new campaign to help develop a strong and skilled disability workforce – to support all Victorians to get the help they need and deserve from the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS).

Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers Luke Donnellan today launched the Work that Matters campaign to boost recruitment but also celebrate these incredible workers and the clients whose lives they enrich each and every day.

The way people with disability access support is changing and the campaign is vital to supporting the growing number of Victorians participating in the NDIS to get the support they deserve.

Data shows more than 10,000 extra disability support workers will be needed in Victoria by 2024 under the NDIS.

The campaign – which will run on radio, print and online – is part of the Labor Government’s $26 million workforce plan for the NDIS, Keeping our Sector Strong, to support the Federal Government, which is responsible for the NDIS.

The campaign includes a new online hub with resources and information to support entrants into the disability sector, help current employees progress their career, and employers recruit workers.

This also builds on the launch of the nation’s first Disability Worker Regulation Scheme, with registration of Victorian workers starting from 1 July this year.

The Labor Government is contributing over $2.8 billion this financial year as part of our contribution to the NDIS.

The Government is also providing more opportunities for Victorians to upskill or start work in the disability sector through the signature Free TAFE program, which includes specialist courses in Individual Support, Mental Health, Community Services, Disability and Allied Health.

To find out more about the campaign and discover the possibilities, go to

Quotes attributable to Minister for Disability, Ageing and Carers Luke Donnellan

“Disability support workers do work that matters – helping tens of thousands of Victorians live the life they want.”

“As more Victorians join the NDIS, it is vital the disability support workforce grows to provide people with the high-quality support they need and deserve.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Employment Jaala Pulford

Whether you want to work full time or just a few hours a week, disability support work offers opportunities right across the state to make a real difference in someone’s life.”

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