Strengthening Eating Disorder Supports For Victorians

Friday 31 March 2023

The Andrews Labor Government is taking another step towards an accessible, integrated and inclusive Mental Health and Wellbeing system - with consultation on the Victorian Eating Disorders Strategy now complete.

More than 250 community members, including those with or at risk of eating disorders, families and carers, as well as health services, clinical experts and advocacy groups, provided valuable insights during roundtable consultations and through written submissions.

The What we heard report, released today, outlines the community members’ vision for people in Victoria to have a safe and empowered relationship with their body, food and movement, free of stigma or weight discrimination, so they can build a meaningful life underpinned by their own physical and mental wellbeing.

They called for a system that is person, family and supporter-centred, is accessible, interconnected and evidence-informed and one that promotes prevention and early intervention, and is co-designed and delivered with lived experience.

The Government is rebuilding our mental health and wellbeing system with almost $6 billion over the past three state budgets, and the strategy will build upon the transformation underway.

The strategy will consider evidence-informed actions to take a whole-of-lifespan view that captures the diversity of peoples’ experiences, including the different types of eating disorders and disordered eating behaviours that occur.

The strategy, which will be released later this year, was announced in response to findings of the Royal Commission and the increasing prevalence and impact of eating disorders on the Victorian community.

In 2022-23, the Labor Government invested $20 million for eating disorder supports, including to expand the integrated specialist model at 10 hospitals across the state.

Additionally, in partnership with the Commonwealth Government we are working together to deliver the state’s first publicly funded state-wide residential eating disorder centre, which will open in 2024.

For more information on the What we heard report and the Victorian Eating Disorders Strategy visit

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Mental Health Gabrielle Williams

“We thank those who provided feedback into what the Eating Disorders Strategy should include – these valuable insights are helping us create the most responsive, tailored and compassionate system for Victorians who need it.”

“We know there has been a huge increase in demand for eating disorders supports in the last few years and our government is delivering life-changing, and ultimately life-saving, support and care where it’s needed most.”

“The Royal Commission told us that stronger eating disorders supports are desperately needed – our Eating Disorders Strategy is embedding lived experience, early intervention and affirmative care in the reformed system.”

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