Stay Safe On The Roads This Easter Holidays

Monday 10 April 2017

Victoria’s worst start to the year for road fatalities in ten years has prompted pleas to motorists to slow down, be safe and plan their trips ahead of the Easter long weekend.

Easter is a fantastic time of year in Victoria and the long break gives families a great opportunity to get out and enjoy the best that this state has to offer.

But with more people driving longer distances on unfamiliar roads, there's an even greater need for Victorian motorists to take care.

Already this year we have seen far too many people lose their lives or be seriously injured on Victorian roads and we need to turn this around.

If you are heading on a road trip this long weekend, plan ahead, watch out for fatigue, drive to the conditions and don’t drink or take drugs and drive.

In the past five years, 18 people lost their lives on the Victoria’s roads over the Easter weekend, including four last year.

SES volunteers will be at more than 40 driver reviver locations around Victoria, providing free refreshments and a safe place for drivers to break up their trips and recharge.

A new partnership between the TAC and SES will also see the top six Driver Reviver locations transformed into Driver Reviver Pitstops, giving extra incentives to motorists taking rest stops on our busiest highways.

The initiative is designed to combat driver fatigue, estimated to be a factor in one-in-five road deaths.

Police Operation Nexus will begin today, with a highly visible police presence on the state’s roads helping Victorians get to their destinations safely.

The operation will target high-risk behaviours, including drink driving, speed and distraction. There will also be a major focus on motorcycle safety, with riders accounting for 24 deaths so far this year.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Tragically we are experiencing the worst start to the year on Victorian roads in a decade, and this Easter break, road safety partners will embark on an unprecedented effort to help get Victorians home safely.”

“No Victorian family should lose a loved one on the roads this Easter, so please enjoy the break and take care.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Road Safety Luke Donnellan

If you are heading to see family or friends this Easter, plan ahead and if you're feeling drowsy, stop at one of over 40 Driver Reviver sites across the state and stay safe on our roads.”