Statement On Sorry Day

Tuesday 26 May 2015

Today is a day of national significance and a day of national sorrow.

Today - the 26th of May - was chosen to acknowledge the tabling of the Bringing Them Home report on this day back in 1997.

Today, we reflect on the heartbreaking truths revealed as part of that report and the effects of the forcible removal of Aboriginal children from their families, communities and culture.

We remember the Stolen Generations: the children of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who were forcibly removed and taken to institutions, foster homes and away from their communities.

We say sorry for the pain and sorrow that was endured by those children, their families and their communities. Those who were deprived of their homes, of their cultural identity and of their family.

It was a practice that continued up until the early 1970s and its legacy will be with us for many years to come.

The pain has not dissipated. It runs deep. Not just in those of past generations, but in their children and their children’s children.

As a state, we continue to support the services that reconnect families and communities, that piece together histories and assist people on that path towards healing.

Understanding your roots, knowing who you are and where you come from, is fundamental. And Aboriginal history, culture and identity continues its strength and vibrancy today.

Today we come together to say sorry, to share that journey towards reconciliation and to ensure a better future.

Today we acknowledge all that has happened – and together all that there is still to do.