Statement from the Premier - Counter Terrorism Operation

Saturday 18 April 2015

Earlier this morning, Victoria Police and the Australian Federal Police executed a number of warrants following a major Melbourne Joint Counter Terrorism Operation.

This operation has resulted in the arrest of five men.

Two men have been arrested regarding serious terrorism-related offences, relating to the planning of a terrorist attack in Australia.

A third man has been arrested in relation to weapons offences.

Two other men are in custody assisting police with their inquiries.

I’d like to reassure all Victorians that the safety and security of our community is the Victorian Government’s highest priority.

Together with Victoria Police, Commonwealth law enforcement and intelligence agencies, the Victorian Government continues to take all reasonable and necessary steps to keep people safe.

It will be alleged that these attacks were planned to take place on ANZAC Day - a day when all Australians remember the sacrifices of those who have fought for our country.

This morning's operation is another reminder of the threats facing our community, our state and our country from violent extremism and radicalisation.

It is a threat that confronts us. It is a threat that challenges us. But it is not a threat that will defeat us.

I want to assure the community that the Government, alongside our law enforcement agencies, including Victoria Police and the Australian Federal Police, is doing everything it can to tackle this threat.

On behalf of all Victorians, I want to thank the men and women of the Victorian Police, and the AFP, for their work.

No one should underestimate the dangers of what they did today or the work they do every day to keep us safe.

Before closing and passing to the Acting Commissioner, I want to note that the men arrested today are 18 and 19 years old.

Countering violent extremism and radicalisation in our community, particularly among young people, is vital in the fight against terrorism.

It's a complex problem and one, to be truthful, that we don't yet fully understand.

It doesn’t just affect an individual – it impacts on their family and community, as well as wider society.

It's something that all Governments need to work closely with local communities to address.

I will now pass to the Acting Commissioner of Victoria Police to say some words.