Statement From Lisa Neville

Saturday 3 April 2021

In February I was admitted to hospital as part of ongoing complications associated with Crohn’s disease.

The medical advice I received at the time was to undertake a period of rest and treatment – designed to give me the best chance of recovery without surgery.

Despite two and a half weeks in hospital, an intensive regime of biological drug treatment and three weeks of recovery out of the public eye, this week I have undertaken a series of tests, including an MRI that has indicated that my condition has in fact worsened.

As a result, my doctors have indicated that the only effective treatment now is surgery.

On Tuesday I will be readmitted to hospital to undergo a small bowel resection.

This is a significant operation that may require up to 12 weeks recovery. At this stage this means I will not return to my role until the end of June.

Although it is disappointing and always concerning to have part of your bowel removed, for many who have Crohns this can result in a period of remission and enable people to return after recovery to normal life and work.  

I have every confidence in my medical team and the nursing support at the hospital that this surgery will give me the chance to achieve this.

I thank all of my friends and colleagues for their ongoing support during this time.

I would especially like to thank all those who suffer from Crohn’s or similar illnesses who have reached out. This is very much a hidden illness and unless you have experienced it firsthand it is hard to understand the toll it can take, both physically and mentally.

It is a small consolation that people are now learning more about Crohn’s, it’s triggers and the seriousness that the complications can cause.

As stress is a major driver of the condition, I kindly request privacy over the next three months, as I focus on my recovery and return to work.

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