Statement On The CFA EBA

Friday 12 August 2016

The Andrews Labor Government welcomes the CFA Board’s decision to endorse the proposed Enterprise Agreement and end a dispute that has gone on for far too long.

It will allow the CFA to focus on keeping Victorians safe.

The decision of the CFA Board comes after a period of consultation with Volunteer Fire Brigades Victoria and United Firefighters Union.

The proposed Enterprise  Agreement and Joint Statement of intent that have been endorsed by the CFA Board contain a number of safeguards to protect the role of volunteer firefighters and enhance diversity in the workforce.

We recognise the vital role volunteers play and that is why we are building a better CFA with new trucks, facilities, equipment, and training for volunteer CFA brigades.

It is clear there needs to be a fundamental culture shift in the CFA and there is a real opportunity to address these challenges.

To improve the CFA’s performance and culture, the Government is establishing a Country Fire Authority Performance and Policy Consultative Committee, uniting career firefighters, volunteers and management.

This includes improving diversity, increasing recruitment and retention of women firefighters, recognising and valuing the work of volunteer and career firefighters and looking after their health and wellbeing.

The terms of reference for the committee have been finalised and recruitment for committee members, including management, career and volunteer firefighters, will begin shortly.

Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley will be a member of the committee, and his work in monitoring the implementation of the Enterprise Agreement and strengthening volunteer firefighting will guide the committee’s work.

The terms of reference for the CFA Performance and Policy Consultative Committee are available at