South Korea Gives Thanks For Flinders Street Response

Monday 5 March 2018

The Victorian Government and the Korean Republic’s Consular General have praised frontline workers helping victims of December’s Flinders Street attack.

Finance Minister Robin Scott and Consul General Sunghyo Kim visited the Transport Accident Commission’s Geelong headquarters today to thank staff for their hard work following the incident.

One man died and 18 other people were injured, including three South Korean nationals, when a car drove through a crowded intersection in Melbourne’s CBD.

Little more than 12 hours after the incident, the TAC had staff on the ground at the trauma hospitals offering support to victims.

The TAC also waived medical excess for victims to ensure the injured people could immediately access treatment and support.

The TAC is offering support to families who lost their loved one, people physically injured and anyone who witnessed the incident, as well as direct family members of anyone impacted.

Support includes the cover of costs for ambulance and hospital care, rehabilitation services, counselling, medical services, prescribed medication, loss of wages as well as funerals and lump sum payments to dependents.

Quotes attributable to Minster for Finance and Multicultural Affairs Robin Scott

“This was a deeply upsetting incident. In these difficult circumstances the TAC’s swift action is something staff should be proud of.”

“The hard work of the TAC’s dedicated staff meant Victorians, as well as international and interstate visitors, received prompt and high-quality care.”

Quote attributable to Korean Consul General Sunghyo Kim

I am confident that the rest of the compensation process will go smoothly on the basis of the good bilateral relationship existing between Australia and Korea. Many thanks to all the staff of TAC who have been making a great effort to help the Korean victims return to their normal lives.”

Quote attributable to TAC chief executive officer Joe Calafiore

 “For the people involved in this tragic event there will be long-lasting effects and we hope that having the TAC’s support during their entire journey will lessen that burden.”