Some politicians think the best way to deal with crime is to talk tough on camera.

Sunday 17 April 2016

Some politicians think the best way to deal with crime is to talk tough on camera.
Well, that doesn't solve a thing.
Politicians don't fight crime. Police officers do.
The best way to keep our communities safe is to give our hardworking members of Victoria Police the skills, support and resources they need to do their jobs.
That's precisely what we're doing.
Today, I announced a plan to bring in 406 more police officers and supply the force with the state-of-the-art safety equipment they asked for.
The days of Governments needlessly intervening in the affairs of Victoria Police and telling them how to run the show are over.
We need to let cops get on and do what they do best.
They're professionals - and I trust them with my life.
#PuttingPeopleFirst(opens in a new window) #GettingOnWithIt(opens in a new window) #VictoriaPolice(opens in a new window) #police(opens in a new window)