World Leading Wine Experts Get A Taste Of Victoria

Monday 3 April 2017

Fifty of the world’s best sommeliers have raised a glass to Victoria’s reputation as an international wine destination.

Minister for Agriculture, Jaala Pulford, welcomed the wine experts at a lunch in Melbourne today to launch the sommeliers program which will run side-by-side the World’s 50 Best Restaurants (W50B) program.

The visiting sommeliers will tour five of the state’s 21 distinct wine regions, learning about our exciting alternative varietals as well as our proud history of traditional wines.

Sommeliers will then return to their respective countries armed with knowledge and experience to recommend Victorian wines to thousands of new customers.

Victoria has a diverse wine industry with more wineries than any other Australian state. Our wineries include small boutiques, family corporates and large companies.

Two-thirds of Victorian wineries have a cellar door, giving visitors an opportunity to experience Victoria’s wine first-hand.

The Andrews Labor Government is leading the way when it comes to advancing our wine industry, helping fund 41 wineries across the state to improve both their export prospects and visitor offerings through round one of the Wine Growth Fund.

We are working closely with the Wine Industry Ministerial Advisory Committee, Wine Victoria and Wine Australia to bring Victorian wine to the world.

By opening up new export markets through promotions such as hosting 50 of the world’s best sommeliers, we are boosting the visibility of the state’s wine industry.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Having fifty of the world’s best wine experts was too good an opportunity to waste.”

“We know Victoria makes some of the world’s best wines, and we’re making sure that those who decide what wine gets poured at restaurants around the world know all about our labels, districts and terroirs.”

 “We will keep investing in Victoria’s world-class growers and winemakers, helping raise their profile around the world, drive visitation to cellar doors and increase export opportunities.”