Worksafe Taking Up Office In Geelong From Late 2016

Wednesday 29 July 2015

WorkSafe will soon begin a two-stage relocation process to Geelong, with the first group of staff making the move from its Melbourne headquarters in late 2016, the Acting Minister for Finance Tim Pallas said today.

One hundred and fifty five roles from across the organisation, covering insurance, health and safety and support functions, will be the first to transition to Geelong, temporarily joining TAC staff at 60 Brougham St. Four members of the organisation’s executive leadership team will also be located in Geelong from late 2016.

WorkSafe will complete the transition to its new headquarters by mid-2018, taking up residence in a new purpose-built building, which is currently progressing through a tender process. A small number of highly specialised roles will remain in Melbourne.

WorkSafe Chief Executive Clare Amies said the organisation continued to seek staff input into the relocation and is working with union partners to ensure a smooth transition process.

Staff will be supported throughout the relocation and have access to a range of information sessions and services to help them make informed decisions about the move.

The Andrews Labor Government is working to further boost and strengthen Geelong following the successful relocation of the TAC to the region in 2009.

Construction of the building is likely to begin in early 2016.

Quotes attributable to Acting Minister for Finance Tim Pallas

“WorkSafe’s new headquarters will strengthen Geelong’s economy, bringing jobs and growth to the region.”

“As a key public employer, WorkSafe will boost the region, while continuing to keep our workplaces safe and ensuring workers return home each night of the week.”

Quotes attributable to WorkSafe Chief Executive Clare Amies

“Our staff can be proud of all that WorkSafe has achieved. Victoria remains the safest state in which to work and WorkSafe’s insurance scheme is one of the strongest in the country.”

“The relocation of our headquarters is an exciting opportunity for WorkSafe and its staff. WorkSafe’s move will strengthen the growing insurance and personal injury sector in Geelong.”