White Night Shines On Ballarat

Sunday 11 December 2016

The Andrews Labor Government is bringing White Night to Ballarat for the first time.

Minister for Tourism and Major Events John Eren today joined White Night artistic director David Atkins OAM to launch the program for next year’s event, which features local and international performers and artists.

White Night is a stunning dusk-to-dawn event that attracts thousands of revellers, all spellbound by illuminations on city streetscapes and great live entertainment. Thousands flock to Melbourne’s event each year, and we’re taking it to regional Victoria for the first time.

Audiences will be taken back to the days of the gold rush as Nights of Gold by The Electric Canvas lights up some of Ballarat’s most picturesque and historic buildings.

Ballarat’s iconic Picture Makin Fellas made a great impression on crowds at White Night Melbourne in 2016, and the local favourites will be back once more in 2017 to give their home town a taste of their talents.

There will be something the whole family can enjoy, including a line-up of live music featuring Ballarat’s hometown acts. The musical program will be announced in January.

White Night is Australia’s contribution to the global phenomenon, Nuit Blanche. Victoria is the only Australian state to offer the all-night event, joining 23 cities worldwide including Paris and Sao Paulo.

Next year’s inaugural Ballarat event will attract visitors from all over the state, nation and world, and that means invaluable opportunities for local businesses.

Regional Victoria has something for everyone and the best of everything – and we want visitors to see it for themselves. The Labor Government has established a $20 million Regional Events Fund to help rural and regional communities stage the events that attract visitors in their thousands.

White Night Ballarat begins at 7pm on March 4.

Quote attributable to Minister for Tourism and Major Events John Eren

“White Night Ballarat won’t just be a great night out, it will be a big boost to Victoria’s economy too. Events like these bring more people to Ballarat who want to see the biggest and best cultural showstoppers.”

Quote attributable to Member for Wendouree Sharon Knight

“White Night is going  to be a great tribute to our stunning city streetscape and our rich past.”

Quote attributable to Member for Buninyong Geoff Howard

“This will be a great opportunity to welcome visitors from all over the state, Australia and the world. It’s increased business for our bars, motels, shops and cafes.”